Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=25172713'>posted</a> on 01/19/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by trytrytry View Post
Russian Im a bit confused I think I read what you have here.

did he not say 500 for 500 in the email (asking for a favor to move some money around quickly)

that does not seem like beggin for 500 for 0

Am I missing something or is your math and logic off a bit off here in this exchange?
help move money around quickly? What am I a Money Transfer company? Maybe I had to ask him if he wants a 10-minute or a 3 day service too? HA...don't be naive Try

He's asking for cash

Hey be my guest if you wanna help him out to "move money around quickly"

PS: Also that was not the first time he asked me for money