Originally posted on 01/04/2016:

Here's my conspiracy theory.

There is a tiny group of rich people that control our government. Also known as the 1/10 of the 1%. They push neoliberalism & globalization. Their goal is to collect as much wealth as they can & turn 75 to 80 % of the worlds population into surfs. Most every law passed by our government is designed to make them more wealthy or to keep the wealth they have. They own most of the News Papers & all of the mainstream media. Most of our politicians & leaders. Wall St, Major Corporations, just about everything.

New World Order? Maybe. But I don't think their that organized. More than likely a group of rich psychopaths with a similar mind set. Ever notice how people with a ton of money are a bit goofy. Like they don't live in the real world, and they don't.

Most if not all of this group knows something is coming. Be it revolution, Climate Change, nuclear war or maybe the government growing a set of balls & start doing the will of the people.

Me personally. I think they know Climate Change is real, or their corporations and industry are polluting the environment so bad. they know it will not be able to sustain a growing population. This will lead to a whole lot of people becoming desperate & chaos will become the norm everywhere.

So what is to become of this group & their wealth. Well their building massive bunkers underground. Full of everything they need to keep their life style. Heavily guarded & safe from whatever disaster is happening on the surface. So while we all suffer & maybe die. There lives won't change one bit.

Just a theory, don't know if I should write a book, or make a movie. LOL