Originally posted on 12/03/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by ACoochy View Post
I don't get it mikey...

I mean scientists go to university and train in their field of expertise for several years in the same way a doctor does but do we ever dismiss what the doctor tells us about our health??

We all know what can happen if we ignore our GP's advice (ie we get sicker). Same thing is applying to earth at present ie its getting warmer.

And just think how much methane and carbon dioxide the perma frosts will release once the ice melts in the arctic?

I hear its a 50% rise in both but hey because we cant see it then of course it doesn't exist right??

People are so selective in hearing what they want to hear.
I heard the opposite of this in the 70's with the settled science of a new Ice Age around the corner. Then the 80's brought the dawn of the chlorofluorocarbons. Then the 90's brought full scale global warming. Then the 2000's brought climate change. Excuse me while I become "skeptical".