Originally posted on 09/30/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
and you support who for the next president?

To me. and many others, supporting anyone other than Trump is saying I believe in all the lies all over again. You are doing exactly what the establishment wants. Go ahead Lucy, I know you will not move that football this time.

You and others criticize him about Hispanics and the Vets but fail to see the genius in it. He brought attention to those problems. You can't buy that kind of publicity. That's why he's leading. Trump is the only one self funding his campaign. No one will tell him what to think and what to say. What a breathe of fresh air. Finally a real choice. He is the only choice in 2016. Unless you are happy with more incompetent.
I understand why people like him. He's a celebrity, he speaks candidly, he's not PC, he's not a career politician, and he's got great sound bites/catch phrases. Donald "draft dodger" Trump isn't a genius for his anti war hero remarks about McCain though...just an asshole. There was no issue he brought awareness to here. Same goes for insulting women based on their appearance. There's no genius in that and all it shows is that he resorts to a childlike, bully mentality when someone disagrees with him. The funny thing is that when good ole Trump is called out on his tactics, he plays the victim card by saying that everyone is too PC and the liberal media is to blame. That's a much easier route to take then to actually be accountable for what you say.

The problem is that he has to use these over the top antics to stay in the spotlight because he's all show with no depth. Go to his website and you'll see what I mean. It's kind of a joke when there are only 3 issues posted on there: tax reform, immigration reform, and gun rights. Trump has been so busy bashing everyone else that he hasn't had time to figure out his own stances. Or maybe he doesn't want to put too much out there because he's a notorious flip flopper. He was pro choice now anti choice, wanted to ban assault weapons but now is anti gun control, wanted to legalize all drugs but recently spoke out against marijuana legalization. This guy never was a real choice. He's just a spectacle who will get more and more exposed as the debates become more issue based (there's still 12 more) and not a reality show pissing contest...which is all it has really been up to this point where everyone tries to smear each other's character.