Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=24463281'>posted</a> on 09/04/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
I dont have any problem with this guy

He pays a firefighter tax fee

The firemen arent even paying for the groceries.

They should shop in their district

cmon tho Rudy, you can tell by his body language and argument that he is frustrated with his life in general
those Firemen are nothing more than a outlet for him to vent/release some of his own built up inner demons

And also, these are fukkin Firemen we are talking about here
nothing changes with them. They are not shooting people in the back or people with their hands up
over minor traffic stops like police officials. Nothing changes with these guys,
there is a fire at some random persons house then without even thinking they go
in and risk their lives in order to protect those strangers .....

i agree with 3D's , when this assholes meth lab operation explodes and he is lookin for someone to
put out the flames..... hopefully these gentlemen are on their break buying groceries with his money