Originally posted on 07/23/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
Actually,Americas only been a country for 239 years. The first 89 years slavery was legal. Blacks worked the fields, did the things slaves did. White kids went to school and got educations.

So now, we're down from your original 300 to 150 years and we're in 1865.

Now that slavery is "over", which it really wasnt but for the sake of this discussion we'll agree that since that is the year Congress abolished slavery, that is also the day it ended.

Anyways, back to the point, now we're in the year 1865. Blacks had been here in America as slaves for 89 years, deprived of education. But slavery is over and now segregation begins. This goes on until 1964, you may have even heard of it, it was called the Civil Rights Movement, then again maybe you haven't.

Now during segregation, blacks went to their own schools which were of the absolute lowest quality and by todays standads wouldn't even be considered schools, they were routinely lynched and beaten, they were made to drink the dirty water, put on the back of the bus.

Who the fukk do you think did all this? It was the white man.

Back to the story, segregation went on for 99 years. Another 99 years that blacks were deprived of proper educational opportunities, equal rights, you know just the small things.

So that 150 years now is now down to 51 years, or another way off looking at it blacks had been here for 188 years and had been oppressed for 188 years. They were not given the same opportunities whites had. . Your original "blacks have been here for 300 years, they should act more like white people" statement, ya I know what you really wanted to say, turns out that blacks have really only had some what of a fair shake here for the last 51 years. Hell, even today they're still fighting for equality. Those 51 years ahve still been uphill.

Now lets look at the last 51 years. Ya, they're not looking great either. Educated, hard working blacks can't find jobs so the state of CA had to pass affirmative action. Blacks dominate the lower class, wonder why that is? Maybe because we've oppressed them for centuries. Blacks are targeted by white officers that routinely send emails making fun of niqqers.

Who do you think continues to oppress black people? White men. Who do you think stole Native American land and continues to occupy it? White men. Who do you think wouldn't let women vote until
1920? White men

And you have the nerve to say something negative about an entire race.

Start by realizing the struggles they face are because of the obstacles we placed. Whites have been educated for thousands of years, going back to Europe, we've been living civilly for as long as we've been around. We've never been oppressed, yaya I know theres been a few white slaves. We've never had masters, never been slaves, never couldnt vote.

Start by taking ownership of what you're race, your ancestors have done to create this situation and then come back and tell us about how bad blacks have had it America for the last 300 years
Forming stereotypes is how the brain works, and it takes more effort than many want to put in to apply them in an appropriate manner ("People brandishing weapons on the street tend to be dangerous; I should avoid anyone doing so" reasonable, whereas "People I've seen/heard/read about brandishing weapons in my narrow perspective tend to be black/mexican/whatever; I should avoid that group" is not reasonable). Unfortunately, the hypersensitivity to race/gender/sexual orientation make sit even more difficult, as people are likely to be strung up in the court of public opinion (or sometimes even a court of law) for reasonable assumptions if it fits a discrimination narrative.

Reverse-racism is just as bad. I think you could make a pretty strong case that Europeans under the feudal system weren't any better than black slaves in America, nor were Roman slaves of any race any better off. Being aware of and feeling compassion for the unethical treatment of human beings by your ancestors is probably a trait to be encouraged, as it raises empathy and probably helps make you a better person. Taking responsibility/ownership of the actions of those ancestors is lunacy; you didn't influence or have any responsibility for their decisions. Considering how closely related human beings are, a random person you've never met before in your country is about as related to you as your ancestors several hundred years ago; does that mean you're responsible for that person's actions too? I doubt most would agree...to assume people are responsible for the actions (good or bad) of other people simply because they share DNA is not only racist, but completely unreasonable.

There is no built-in "fairness" to the world; some people are born with advantages, and others are not. People have to struggle to succeed to various degrees. In a country like the US, the differences in opportunity are not things that can't be overcome and being born with resources doesn't mean you'll automatically succeed, as shown by many examples of each case and everything between.

If you want to try to level the playing field of opportunity, that's laudable, and I and many others will no doubt support the efforts. However, there's not much that strikes me as more foolish than folks (not saying you're one of them krak ) who try to combat poverty by preferentially redistributing resources based on race, gender or other discriminatory means. While it's a sad testament to the human tendency to not think critically, it's hard not to be a little amused by the irony of people trying to fix a problem like poverty/lack of opportunity (which isn't racially based) with policies that are racially based...accomplishing little more than giving a valid reason for racial tensions over the preferential treatment