Originally posted on 03/03/2015:

2 years ago I'm in vegas for a buddies bachelor party. Get out of Marquee hammered and decide to hit the pits. Walking by the high limit room towards the floor we see Wayne Fukin Gretzky and his wife playing BJ. The bachelor and half the dudes there still play hockey and idolize Wayne. We had been playing $10 tables that weekend but we all sat with him at $100min and shot the shit with the Great One. Lost about 5k combined but it was awesome while it lasted.

Best part is, flash forward 12 hours we're on the 15 back to LA and stop at the Jack n the Box in Baker. As we sit to eat we see a big ass Rolls Royce pull into the lot and park next to us. Out hops Gretzky, his lady and Bernie Nicholls. They walk in and enjoy some jumbo jacks in the booth next to us. Talk about surreal. We tried to make a joke about "why are you following us Mr. Gretzky" and he looked at us like we were retarded and had never met him . Mustve been a long night at the tables for them because they were wearing the same clothes and looked beat down.