Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=23552259'>posted</a> on 02/08/2015:

Ive said it before and ill say it again. John U doesnt work for Docs. He is the biggdogg5n2 and Johnny Utah. He has tracked cappers like this for years and puts up all these hot bs records to get people to go into buy groups with him. He would then lure you over to his hot capper tracker site where he would charge you a ton of money for all these hot guys that would crash and burn by the time he bought them. The best part is he would sell guys from covers who were hot cappers. Imagine selling guys who post for free on covers in the forums and charge people for them. Guy owes so much mone to people its pathetic. Now he shows back up on here tracking docs so he can get the picks for free. This guy is a bigger scammer then the touts he tracks