Originally posted on 02/03/2015:

There's what, 100 cases in the US? Are we fear mongering? Bring people over here to be treated for Ebola
and OMG, we are all gonna die!

I wasn't vaccinated for none of the childhood diseases except for polio and whopping cough. (wasn't available)
Had measles, mumps and (chicken pox. (OMG if I don't spend $200 on the shingles vaccine, I'm gonna get 'em!)
Never had the flu shot either. (got the flu less often than those that did)

I did get my kids immunized against all that crap as any responsible parent should.

Parents should do what they should to keep their kids safe, after they are 18 they can make their own decisions.
If they don't want to immunize, keep their kids out of school. Should be the law.