Originally posted on 11/28/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by Dollars2Donuts View Post
You will notice donkey, that it wasn't posted before gametime and won't be included in my record. This happens from time to time when I make a wager and don't get it posted in time.
I never argued otherwise! I was simply requesting that, next week when you are time constrained by your important action-items on your agenda, that (if ever so possible) you try to post these particular picks so we know that you are in good financial standing-- it shouldn't require much time since they are last-second and have no writeup other than the inevitable winning conclusion. Although these picks provide no tangible benefit to us degens, they are surely important enough to merit posting on this blog because they validate your standing as a successful winner. Also of help would be notes from your personal life, such as your escapades with the ladies and your newest vehicular and real-estate purchases.