Originally posted on 12/20/2009:

I was out having wings and a beer with a couple of friends last night and we entered a "What if a Guy would do this?" conversation. So here it is. Let me know what you think? I will create a simple web site page that could hold a list of names. We will call the list of names a "Reward Line". For starters lets say it cost $5 bucks to join this line. Once you "buy in" you get put next in line. NOW, for every 3 (this can be any number) people who join the line I will send the person in position 1 $15 bucks. Once you receive $15 bucks you cycle out and recieve your money OR go to level 2. Which would be a $15 dollar "Reward Line" that cycles out at 3. I could sell T-Shirts or a Pick Service (which many can be found for free on these forums) and offer this as an incentive. So would you do this...if so let me know. I have spent $120 on a Fantasy League, I have paid $50 for software for picks, and I tipped the waitress $10 last night. I will never see this money again. When was the last time you wasted $5 bucks. What are your thoughts about letting $5 Bucks go toward something that could be fun. I personally would go in at #9 because I want others to benefit before me because they will tell others if they get money.

1. $5 Person 1
2. $5 Person 2
3. $5 Person 3 (Person 1 cashed out $15 or goes to L2)

and so on...