Originally posted on 10/18/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
I don't know it all triple, never pretended to think I did, where humbling myself comes in to play. I'm sure there are many scientist who've changed their minds though... Keep a open mind friend.
Always an open mind...however, quite a few on this list didn't believe in a Christian God, and as I noted earlier, it's not uncommon for people to have rather large blind spots when it comes to the application of reason. Also worth noting that many lived long ago enough that there wasn't yet a preponderance of scientific explanations for much of the natural world, and that being a Nobel laureate isn't what it used to be (see Obama winning one for doing nothing, then going on to kill women and children). Lastly, a similar list could easily be compiled of undeniably evil men who believed the same.

Happy to keep an open mind sir, but I don't think it's a coincidence that every attempted argument on the subject to prove a theistic God breaks down to a logical fallacy sooner or later, often sooner.