Originally posted on 10/15/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by statnerds View Post
evolution? are you fukkin dense man? don't you realize the CIA invented ebola, just like they invented crack cocaine, to destroy the black man? only this one is back firing royally cause barry is in the black house and is hip to the game, ya dig?

and evolution sucks anyway. billions of years and humans are the best it could do? pathetic.

my only regret is that george carlin isn't here to witness the upcoming devastation. he would have loved it. make no mistakes, thousands of americas fixin to die in the next year or so. should have never let flights leave that fukking portion of the world. lets isolate patients but not countries? makes no sense. and enough with the lies. we never "contained" the other outbreaks...burned itself out in rural areas. it will reach a tipping as well where it burns itself out again. only this time around a few hundred thousands people are going to die. fukk i hope i live through, gonna be great to watch.
They invented free education (hopeless cause but yes they waste 10s of billions each year attempting to educate niggers to turn them into something resembling an intelligent human being)...free healthcare...free food...free rent...to destroy the blacks. Yup ur right as always....cut the help the government is giving these worthless braindead lazy niggers off for a month and ud have no black ppl.