I’ve had a slight problem with something lately.

We have a chain of financial stores here in Central Florida called Amscot. They offer an array of services, including paycheck advances, check cashing and free money orders. I use their ** service every once in awhile when I have a balance that needs topping off.

Now it probably comes off as snobbish, but I’m just stating matter-of-factly that when you consider those first three services that I listed, you’re not exactly marketing yourself to life’s millionaires as a business model. Anytime I have visited, I am the only customer who speaks English. There are always a few others who list English as their native tongue, but damn it all if you can understand a single word they are uttering.

This in itself is not what has been bothering me. Sure, I possess the same innate trait to continue living as everyone else, but I’ve always welcomed the thrill of venturing into the belly of the beast. The rush of emerging unscathed out of a wrong part of town after midnight, or an Amscot office at anytime, can be quite liberating. What has been bothering me is their slogan.

“Amscot – You’re OK with Us!”

Doesn’t this just reek of the exact same backhanded-type compliment that a buddy would express when he says “I don’t care what they say about you, I think you’re alright?” Of course it does! “Hey, you’re too broke to maintain a checking account or to budget your finances until your next paycheck, but hey! You’re OK with us!”

Gee that’s great

Meanwhile there are about 50 video cameras tracking your every move to capture the day’s first assault. Did I mention the 2-inch bulletproof glass that segregates the staff from us animals? I’m beginning to think that they’re not OK with us at all!

But are these guys OK with me?

Once I make it out of there I always feel equal parts relieved and tainted. Not the “go home and shower with a wire brush” type of tainted, but still. So what do you suppose is my preferred routine after confirming my deposit and making some plays? That’s right, I jump right on SBR. I’m a Power Poster. It’s what we do.

Talk about jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Now don’t get me wrong. I love it here. Not only have I made a ton of good friends, but as Bill Cosby used to say, I might’ve even learned a thing or two. But similarly to Amscot, as with most places that I frequent, there will always be some questionable characters present. I wouldn’t change a thing, as it all comes together to make an intriguing patchwork of interesting folks. I’m able to remain safe using the power of long-distance internet communication as my very own 2-inch bulletproof glass.

Scattered throughout the “normal” folks here (like me) you can encounter degenerates, drunks, addicts, zealots, blasphemers, shut-ins, derelicts, misanthropes, fraudulent geniuses, philanderers, Muslims and bisexuals.

I am by no means casting stones as I fall into several of those categories. One thing you probably did not know about me though, is that I am a bisexual Muslim.

Just like Amscot, it doesn’t matter who you are. SBR – I’m OK with them. And so are you. Heck, they even accept Canadians here! Well, most of them anyway.

The SBR forums are a great place to pick the minds of fellow players, talk strategy, discuss the games while they are happening or just to waste an hour or three amongst some goofballs and weirdos - no matter where you land on life’s food chain.