Originally posted on 05/28/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
Me, personally, worry about me. I keep my nose on my own damn face. I could care less about the guy not doing
anything, unless he's next to me not pulling his weight.

Funny, the guys who bitch the most about other people not doing anything, are the ones who don't do anything either.
You see and learn a lot with 35+ years on the factory floor.
My dad grew up poor, worked his ass off to get straight A's, joined the military to get a scholorship, got a law degree, and now he is successful. Nothing was handed to him. He joined the military to get a college education, got a 3.9 GPA, went to a top 5 law school, and worked for what he did. He's worked 80 hour weeks his whole life.

Even with his money, he never gave me ANYTHING. He never gave me allowance. I asked for a candy bar at store when i was 6, and he whipped me with a belt when we got home. I did door-to-door sales, mowed lawns, shoveled snow, raked leaves... then when i turned 14 and was eligible to work, i worked 2 jobs in summer 40 hours/week each for 80/hours a week.

I paid my own way through college at a state school with loans. Nothing was handed to me. I worked for where i am at. People who sit on their ass and don't work aren't entitled to steal 33% of my paycheck. If they're refusing easy $80,000/year jobs because they're too lazy, that's their own fault. Let them be on the street. If people work hard, i can cut them a break with welfare... but giving welfare to people who don't want to work at all? NONSENSE!