Originally posted on 05/20/2014:

Parlaying, STOP! Get control of yourself!

You are putting women on too high a pedestal. They are not much different than you. Talk to them like you would
your mother and friends.

Women aren't going to throw you down and do you the minute they see you, unless you're George Clooney. They
have to get to know you. Sitting on a log and not socializing won't get you anywhere. You have to give in order to

Socially inept? Clean yourself up, buy some decent clothes and go to church for six weeks. Get publically baptized,
do communion where you have to go up front. Be an usher and collect offerings. Churches are always doing fund raisers
and construction projects. Be there. People will talk to you if you are shy. Eventually you will gain confidence in yourself.

Why six weeks? That's what it takes to change your life. Either to get in physical shape, quit smoking, be a druggie or
an alky. The same can be applied to being socially inept.

Be a friend 1st, a lover 2nd. Seeing you one time won't cut it. Be seen more often. You will know who the one is, but
you won't find her if you are stuck behind the computer.