Originally posted on 05/13/2014:

After a few weeks have passed I'd like to give my opinion on this case now that this thread wont get 300 replies about nonsense.

I'm a second generation Mexican-American who is happy to live in this country that offers us freedom (in some standpoints). I'm not African-American but my grandparents were subject to the type of stereotypical racism that blacks went through in the 50's and 60's. Every time I think of this story I cant help but think that if not for this huge social media/twitter era this wouldn't be a big deal. When I first heard of this I didn't even think it was a big deal and thought a couple people who raise an eyebrow but nothing more.

Sterling said absolutely nothing racist. He stated he'd rather his girlfriend not associate with certain people. It was clear as day and that's all it was. In order to be subject of racism you must be discriminated in some way. Did Donald Sterling walk into practice every morning and say " Hey niggers, why don't you play as hard as your white counterparts?", No. Does Sterling only employer whites? No. Does Sterling underpay his black athletes? No. Does he in away way shape or form discriminate against his African-American employees? No.

If I worked for an employer who publicly said he thinks Mexicans are the scum of the earth but he never treated me any differently from my other coworkers I wouldn't have any issue with the owners comments. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I may not agree with it, and it definitely does not belong in the NBA, but it sure isn't Sterling being a racist.

People are acting like Sterling is the second coming of Hitler. Clippers players are acting like this will have an impact on their want to play for the team next year if his family still owns the team. Why? how in any shape or form does Sterling being a racist affect your play or your employment with the team. The whole story is so overblown and I feel sorry for the guy.