Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=21760823'>posted</a> on 04/30/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by teaserpleaser View Post
you're a retard that better ? You like how I didn't say your like the dumb rednecks on here? How's that for reading comprehension guy who spends his whole day on sbr
OK let me give you a little math lesson

19,175 posts / 2084 days since joining = 9.2 posts / day

6,384 posts / 1036 days since joining = 6.2 posts / day

Yes, my post total just increased by one, but I rounded my post/day total up already to try and help you out

I don't expect you to recognize the errors in your statements, I expect many more excuses or rationalizations

What I do hope is that others who are reading are convinced of what a joke you are