Originally posted on 01/26/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by opie1988 View Post

If things are "such shit" in this country, like you say, then why in the fukk would you possibly want to continue to live here?

Those other countries would gladly take you. Why not move somewhere that's the "opposite of America"?

Or are you just a prikk that bitches from the sidelines but doesn't have the balls to actually do anything?
Don't take my disgust for the current state of the country as hating this country. I stay because I love it, and I work very hard in my job to do my part in trying to fix the shit.

Apathy and general denial of the state of the country is a much bigger concern.

But, you're right. American's shouldn't expect better. American's should give up and not try to continue to make America the best country in the world. American's should just happily pound our chest, wave our flags, and bomb the shit out of anyone who disagree's.

I hate the state of Arizona. The politics are fukked. It's looking like our governors race will be between Steven Segal and Sheriff Joe. I wanted to bail on this place a long time ago. Unfortunately for me, my mentor - a guy I can attribute most of my success said it best when he said "Don't let the idiots make you run."

So, Opie, while you think those who are displeased with the current state of the country should go somewhere else, I feel those people should stay and strive to make this place better. To each their own.

Don't be foolish thinking we cannot learn from others and that the American way is infallible.

“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.” ― Elie Wiesel

I'm just a very cynical eternal optimist, and I am optimistic America still has a fighting chance to be the nation we deserve.