Originally posted on 12/26/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by SBR_John View Post

Finally folks are wising up.
Whew! Just in time. No 3rd term for you Obama!

People have become more and more cynical about politicians (rightfully so).

No mention of the amazing republican (remember them...Mitt "he's up on intrade" Romney. Still waiting for those ads where they showed us all the jobs Mitt created...I mean here, not in China) and their approval rating though. You know, the guys who actually control the G-D purse strings right? Nope. It's all about one guy. He's a puppet, but he's a dictator...no one knows what he is...but they know it's wrong.

The offshore market has tanked since John and Opie's (former) hero Bush signed the port security bill which effectively killed easy access to books (and subsequently turned SBR from the biggest affiliate recipient in the world to a forum that has to go into last ditch cash grabs with scam books (then essentially go silent for months hoping turnover will keep semi-peace)

Obama has disappointed me in some regards (privacy issues, drone attacks). But until he flat out lies us into a trillion dollar war (Iraq), that kills half a million locals plus 4500 of our own soldiers, then Obama still has a long penetrating hill to reach the level of just one POTUS ago.

Everything really is bigger in Texas. Including the whiners.