Originally posted on 12/07/2013:

When are people going to get this idiotic stuff out of their minds and actually remember when they are disproved. I saw multiple posters here and multiple callers on talk radio (including "Shea from Irving" telling Dan Patrick) suggest that since the MAC had everything to gain (8 mil) by NIU winning (BG losing), the Huskies were a sure cover.

Until they got crushed.

What bothers me is that no one has any integrity to recognize how crappy their conspiracy theories are.

For the record, I'm not saying that no conspiracy theory is ever true ... I'm saying it's almost never how these people claim it and most are just shooting from the hip ignoring all other evidence or randomness of life and nature.

Do NBA refs have favoritism? I'm sure they have shown it time to time. Does that mean they fix the Finals? NO.

The only thing recently I find super suspicious is the World Cup placement of USA vs. Ghana and Germany, but even they they'll play the games and nothing is fixed, it's just for ratings. Other groups were retarded, not just the USA group/pot
