Originally posted on 11/29/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by chilidog View Post
Depends on what you like to do. When I lived in the States, I use to buy (by the pallet) clearance and returned merchandise (I only bought electronics) from stores like Walmart, Sears, Target, Best Buy etc. I would then list each item on ebay and made a rather nice profit doing it. I started out buying just 1 pallet, listing everything, then buying 2 pallets, etc. Before I knew it, I was buying 1/4 a container, then 1/2 a container.

I would buy the merchandise from companies like http://www.westcoasttrading.com. I loved the business.
I do that on the side also. My wife works for K-mart and can sometimes get 90% off items. I then resell on Craigs list and make more than 50%. I can also diagnose and repair small engines. She will buy lawnmowers customers have brought back and I will resell after installing a sparkplug, unfreezing a motor someone forgot to put oil in, etc.

I took my small engine repair skills on the road this summer and found a lawn maint guy who needed ALL his stuff
serviced. He had a lot of stuff and still does that needs work. Was making $30 an hour. Advertised on Craigs list.

Also have a truck and a 16' car trailer. Been making deliveries for K-mart. Just did one today.

Use the skills and equipment you have now and build as you go. I'm doing anything and everything. Until I can
get established, I do this under the table. Less overhead.

Don't do vending machines Bear. I've done that. Threw 10k in the trash. Competition is fierce.

I really love Optional's idea, might have to check into that.