Originally posted on 11/27/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by TheRifleman View Post
It's hard to escape the conclusion that the Obama administration is hostile to religion in general, and to Catholicism in particular.
What a slap in the face! As opposed to....

Quote Originally Posted by TheRifleman View Post
Let's face it, Catholics should be burnt at the stake.... i sat through a funeral yesterday in a catholic church. the services were held, things were said, music was played....the roes, statues that adorn the church, etc.... i am pretty sure that this is not what Jesus or God had intended. get rid of that true heretic, blasphemous Vatican. if anything, they are the true evil ones and, do i need to give you a history lesson on Catholicism and the blood baths? do i need to bring up all the child molestations, the tax fraud, the turning in of jews during WW2 and on and on. what the Vatican hides in it's vaults is the real truth and they don't want you to know about it. the pope could sell one ring on his decrepit finger and feed Ethiopia for a year. sorry, this isn't the word of god-it's always been the greed of man and nothing else! The Catholics are the true evil IMO. Root them out one by one.