Originally posted on 11/13/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by SBR_John View Post
Hate to break this to you but Reagan died a long time ago. Abraham Lincoln ran up the debt too. Jimmy Carter ran up everything. So what?

Reagan's plan was actually the frame work of John F Kennedy's plan and it too was supported by many democrats to the point where Reagan won the biggest landslide election in US history. Democrats controlled congress during a majority of the Reagan years maybe not so oddly enough.

Your comments are more evidence just how hard it is to engage liberals on how to bring down the $17 trillion dollar debt. You're idea for a substance idea is to say you didnt complain when Reagan ran up a debt. Buddy's engagement was to work out the math on what percentage of democrats voted for the use of force in Iraq. Obama acts the same, doesn't have a word to say about it.

If I didnt know any better I would almost think the liberal wing has no clue how stop the bleeding and certainly no plan for it.
I think he was making the obvious point that you and the GOP only want to talk about stopping the bleeding when it's a Dem in the WH.

I don't remember you being so vocal about stopping the bleeding when W added 7 trillion to the deficit. Maybe you were. My memory is embarrassingly bad these days. I will likely be hiding my Easter eggs this year.

But,It's hard to be passive when "your". President cost this country 7 trillion and thousands of soldiers lives and then hop on the soap box and criticize the D president at every turn.

And maybe this is why you have trouble engaging liberals in meaningful conversation.