Originally posted on 11/03/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
The picture I would have in my head about the Repubs would be them sitting in their chairs, heads slumped over,drooling all over themselves fast asleep, with a weight on the nay button.
RKelly, socializing our medical care system is a pretty big deal, wouldn't you say? Its been a "HOT TOPIC" in our country dating back over 50 years and the democrats passed it without a single republican vote of support. While you clearly lean to the left, you're not afraid to call foul when the dems screw up. Try to imagine how you would feel if the republicans did away with social security and medicare without a single vote of support from the democrats? Bill Clinton came across the same situation with HillaryCare but when he saw he could not pass it with at least some bi-partisan support, he backed off. While I disagreed with most of his views, he put country before politics and history will judge Bill as being one of our better presidents. Obama passing his ACA by a 60-0 margin and having to bribe 2 democratic senators along the way WREAKED OF SELFISHNESS and proved without a doubt that politician gain was far more important to him than the well being of our country. The icing on the cake is the democratic politicians along with over 1,500 labor unions were granted EXEMPTIONS from having to participate in ObamaCare soon after it was passed. CAN YOU HONESTLY BLAME THE REPUBLICANS FOR REFUSING TO WORK WITH HIM AFTER WHAT HE DID?