Originally posted on 10/31/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by dot2dotsystems View Post
Hey Guys i have a capper who wins 75% on his lock picks. Not ALL PICKS...just lock picks.

however...they cost too much.

anyone want to join forces and get good picks for half price?
I make 2k a week on $200 a game but want a little more.

here we go 2 posts and comes in claiming 75% winners and 2k a week. If you do the math, that requires 24 locks a week at 75% 18-6 every week for 9 weeks. In ESPN fashion: "COME ON MAN!" And then someone wants in giving his e-mail address, give me your e-mail address, I hit 90% of my locks for the last 30 years, at 500 a game, I'm up over a million!