Originally posted on 09/24/2013:

Ignorance is bliss in your case.

If you actually think they have a choice in their unemployment situation you are the most ignorant person in all of America. Just because a child is born in America doesn't make them immediately WANT to get an education, it means the have the OPPORTUNITY to get a quality education, unlike most children born in Haiti.

They are the least lazy people I have ever met. What once again just proves your ignorance, as I doubt you have ever met a Haitian person in your whole life. But way to generalize an entire population.

If you ever read anything about Haiti you would read about their horrible past with rulers who were corrupt or military government they once had. You would also read that they are the ONLY slave state to successfully over-throw the slave owners in the entire world.

The fact is they don't have a choice in their unemployment/underemployment. Most people don't receive and education in Haiti because they can't afford it, as even primary school costs money there. People who are lucky enough to get an education in Haiti do have decent jobs as interpreters, engineers, or farmers. As for the people who don't have jobs they are stuck searching for manual labor which is hard to find because that is approximately 80% of the population.

Not to mention once Haiti became a free country they were immediately put into debt by the United States and France. The only way Haiti could pay back these uncalled for debts was to depreciate the land, which is now ruined and Haiti has practically no source of income because of it. Maybe you should put some real thought/find out the facts before you assume so much about a nation that has had nothing but a horrible past BECAUSE of America and France. So it IS on us to help Haiti see a brighter future because the United States was a major component in ruining it in the first place.

Maybe next time THINK before you speak, after all.....you're the one that went to college.