Originally posted on 09/19/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by ChalkyDog View Post
Global Warming, literally means global warming? Honest question.

Also, I can think of quite a few other hoax's that have made more money.
What makes more money- convincing people to keep using the petroleum based or carbon producing products they currently use or shifting to using less or alternate energy sources?

Shit I remember when the car companies were throwing hissy fits fits over being forced to reduce emissions, said no one would buy their cars if they did. Well in many large inner cities you couldn't see and could barely breathe. The oil crisis hit and suddenly everyone was driving a Honda or Datsan and the big three couldn't give away the boats they were making. Same thing with the oil companies and leaded gasoline. "You can't force us to shift to unleaded gas, none of the cars will work right." It's all BS to keep the profits flowing. Back when steamers replaced tall sailing ships I can only imagine there was some group arguing that the steam ship would all blow up and weren't nearly as safe and reliable as good old wind power. That group was likely funded by men who ran the rigging on tall ships.