Originally posted on 09/09/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by pronk View Post
You're not very bright dante and your certificate is only good enough to keep you clothed & fed, that's all. This system "educated " you how to be a brainless slave and how to blindly obey your master's command. And God forbid you question IT or show some initiative because you were born slave and you gonna die slave.
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you.

Right, just as I said, bs and more bs. Tell me pronk who is the person that I bow down to. The system right? You guys, all you guys talk bs. You need something to elevate yourself because you cannot or did not do it via an education. So everybody that did is answering to their master. And sir I have show a great deal of initiative in my life, I was the sole owner and operator of more than one successful business and no nebulous unnamed bad person helped me in any way. No mr pronk you are the not very bright guy here, you are the guy that believes in fairy tales and bs stories.

Now go outside and check for aliens and angles flying up and down your boulevard.