Originally posted on 09/02/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by playersonly69 View Post
You guys act like 10 points is the damn end of the world!!! GUYS IT IS penetrating 50 CENTS!!!!

It isn't like I gave him $200 cash like I have done on multiple occasions on this site! If he can make better use of those 10 points then I can, then he can have them. Anyway, he cant play poker anymore after this week anyway.

Give it a rest guys, it is 10 penetrating points. I get it that you guys wouldn't give him $1.00 if he was out of money and hungry. Personally, I would give him cash if he needed it more than me. It is just how I roll.

To each his own.

You guys will be glad to know that I wont have the points to send to him tomorrow to play
10 points isn't the end of the world, but continuing to enable this shitstain sends the wrong message. CS4 has shown he operates at a 2 year old level: he doesn't understand right and wrong, only consequences. By not making him face the consequences of his actions, you're enabling him to continue stealing yisman's (and your) points and to continue making the whole community look bad. If you want to help him out, give 10 points to yisman for his debt...paying for his poker fix so he can us ehis own points for his blackjack fix helps nobody out.