Originally posted on 08/09/2013:

He's gonna lose a few more bets then he'll change the name of his pick from POUNDS to something else when he's 1-0 again.
Typical BULL$H|T Artist.
He's been here for 8 years & keeps changing the names of the threads so he can throw a BU""$H|T figure around like, 15-5.
Next month they'll be called KOCK LOCKS when he's 2-0!
What a douche. Treats us like we;'re idiots & we don't know what he's doing.
This guy is too predictable, & it shows. he claims all the trolls show up when he loses, yet after the game there's 2-3 posters here.
The guys losing it & he's getting desperate.
Poor Kock, no one likes him when he wins, & no one pays attention to him when he looses anymore.
And BTW Benny, Paver's been here for 7 years.
You're pushing about 50 posts a week yourself. Fukkin deadbeat hypocrite!