Originally posted on 08/03/2013:

Stash look you're a stand up guy and have been great for SBR over the years. At first what you did, taking your time to help another poster get out of debt, was admirable and to be commended. That time has passed.

At this point you are just as culpable as Carseller for not only continuing to enable his behavior, but also vouching for him (if you indeed did so) when yisman accepted this loan. Your attempted "punishment" for Carseller is fine and dandy but at this point if you really want to do the right thing you should just pony up the points to yisman and take over this loan. Borrow from dngf if you have to.

Yisman is one of the most valuable posters at SBR and he has wasted quite enough of his life even opening posts related to carseller. I think it's time that his handcuffs be taken off here. Yes, he screwed up by taking this loan to begin with but he's an altruistic guy by nature and it was quasi-understandable. Stash you have been enabling...errr "helping" carseller for years now.

Stash, like I said you are a stand up guy and nobody is saying otherwise. If you really want to help someone out become a big brother or go coach a little league team. Don't waste your time helping a no good, 2 bit lying/scamming middle aged piece of gutter trash. You already got him out of debt once...you've learned by now.

Do the right thing here Stash. Take this loan over and either eat the pts or spend your time continuing to "help" carseller.

Secretstash I got no love lost for you but had to chime in. It's not my business, I get that, but this shyte has clogged up the forum for long enough.

If you don't step up here my previous offer to SBR/yisman stands. Ban Carseller from the points program for life and I'll send yisman every freeplay parlay I hit until the end of time.