Originally posted on 06/17/2013:

First off, I am pro-guns. I own several and so does my wife.

While I think this is stupid and he will not go to prison, I also think the kid was a douchebag for wearing the shirt in the first place and was only doing so to cause trouble and get attention. And this is after he was already told not to wear it again prior to this happening.

For God's sake, with all of the recent school shootings, why would you add fuel to the fire by wearing clothing that you know are not only controversial, but the school forbids? They do not want anything to do with guns whether they be toys about or displayed on clothing.

Being able to go to school is a privileged and kids should abide by the rules, not do what they can to try and cause problems. As a proud gun owner, this isn't the type of gun coverage that I appreciate being reported by the media. Kids should be going to school to learn, not practice politics.

I can see why this shirt is inappropriate.