Originally posted on 05/29/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by NittanyLionsFan View Post
I have a few friends who currently do what you want to do that have read books, but I don't know the names of them...I can ask.
Classic ^^^

Limits on heritage/5d are 2-3k. from my experience over the years, a 5% ROI is solid with a 10% roi being at the upper end of what you will see over a decent amount of bets (200-400 in an mlb season). If you knwo what you're doing, you should be able to eek out 1-2% ROI over 300 bets.

This year, i'm at 4.4% roi over 370 bets with a $200 unit. i'll play a few 5u plays a year, so multiply by 3 and you get yourself a 3k max bet for a 5u play. I'm up 2700 at this point, so 3*2700 is 8100. get another 200 plays through the next 2 months and keep a 3% roi and you're looking at about 15k over an MLB season with 4% ROI.

Play with two books with such limits and you can double that. If you're in the US, I do not think it's wise to try and make a living betting online as I don't particularly trust a 60k+ bankroll being online due to legislation concerns. If you're in vegas, you can probably get more than 3k max bets throughout multiple casinos, but i have no experience with that so i'm just assuming.

Overall, can you make a decent side income? Sure. But unless you create a pretty spectacular model to do all the work for you, you'll probably be spending quite a bit of time watching/studying/reading abotu the sport you're betting on, so it doesn't come easily