Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=18739522'>posted</a> on 05/22/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
Yeah, it's probably more like 20 - 25%

Still very much mismanaged and no real accountability.
This is why I don't donate to them. That is a horrific number but is probably around the norm for big charities.

I went down after Katrina to help clear peoples' yards and help distribute food and first aid, volunteered in my community to mentor kids with their school work and athletics, rescued and cared for beaten and homeless animals, among other things. These big charities wouldn't get that done if you donated 100k, but people see it as a tax write off and they look and feel good and have a sbr badge but meanwhile it's going to fat cats.

I don't like when you go to Wal-mart or Kroger or somewhere and they just flat out ask everyone if they want to donate money to such and such. Put a dropbox or something, fine but I think it's offensive to confront someone in front of a line of other people about an organization they know nothing about.

Can't remember the thread, but a guy on here said he made a good 6 figures working for a charity in Africa. His job was installing high speed internet infrastructures, but on the charity drops in the US they advertise with a picture of a starving little black kid with a distended stomach. This guy even admitted it was bs but only because he was recently fired.

Rant ended