Originally posted on 05/15/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by Let's Go Rangers View Post
that was really the start of the United States plummeting into third world nation status
With GWB being elected? No I wouldn't agree. It's probably the first time in our generation that people world wide wondered wtf Americans were smoking by electing him but the uncertain way he took office helped to appease that. You're living in one of the greatest countries in the world no matter what's happening economically at the moment or who's in office. It's a nation that believes in hands up, not hand outs and that allows people to succeed if they're willing to bust their ass regardless of their background or upbringing. But it still believes in helping the poor and although there will unfortunately always be people in any society who take advantage of it, the concept as a whole is something to be proud of. I'm currently living in a country that despite successfully navigating through the GFC and being one of only 8 nations with a AAA credit rating now has gone into meltdown because the government announced yesterday due to a reduction in mining earnings, etc that it was going to restrict and reduce the $5k baby bonus people receive for having a child to those who are low income and now they'd only receive 2k for the first kid and 1k for subsequent ones. People here can live decently receiving over $2200/mth in pymts plus concessions with things like transport, utilities, etc until their youngest child is 8. Until 4 years ago that was until their youngest is 16. Even if you earn $150k a year and your partner stays at home the government still pays you $330 a month to help out with your kid. On top of that we also have govt funded parental leave pay for 18 weeks at federal minimum wage of $600 per week. When the next election happens in September that will change to 50% of your wage for 6 months for those earning $150k or less. That's why I have to laugh when people claim Obama or the Democrats at all or socialist. They obviously don't understand the meaning of the term. Where I live isn't even socialist but closer than you guys are now. As always you as a country will be fine. Precisely because you don't think you're entitled to anything and you believe in working for it. I'm living in the middle of the complete opposite right now and as a betting woman I'd put my cash on American society being much better off in 10 years than the Australian one no matter how good things look here on paper at the moment.