Originally posted on 04/16/2008:

I hate the way American law enforcement works into other nations business.

Follow this logic of an American bettor betting with a Costa Rican bookmaker. It is not illegal for an American to place a bet online like sham said. The Feds consider it a crime to be a bookmaker though. However these bookmakers are located in other countries where the feds should have no authority. The only thing being done in America is placing of a bet online (not illegal). The taking of the bet is being done in a country where it is legal. Therefore the Feds should have no case.

What the Feds are doing is mind boggling to me. Why waste resources on this? Why is it so important? Go to a Gamblers Anonymous meeting and half the people there are there because of state sponsored lotteries and SCRATCH OFF TICKETS. Also horse racing is legal. Also if you happen to live in Nevada you can bet on sports with all your money all day long and its fine. Its just retarted I despise the hypocrisy and stupidness of it all.