Originally posted on 04/06/2013:

95% that Lang is on the Same side. Hillarious! Lang follows one Rolli's imaginary friend Cappers. A Redd the pro gamlbler (not in positive at all this year) met Rosica under a bridge near the M Casino. Rosica worked for a large book in C.R. And introduced him to Rolli. Sure ! And Bobby Maxwell, Tony weston , Dwayne Conners, Karl Garette, Mike Cannon, Andy Fanelli , Dom Chambers, Derrick Mancini, and Bob Valentino were all real people. If there is video there is no capper. Same for Rosica. One of the real guys is playing the role of Rosica just happen to start firing after the imaginary 9-1 start that no one purchased. Funny how Rosica was supposed to be a once in a while player like Valentino. All of sudden he hits a few and now he plays everyday. Give us a video Rolli. I know you read these forums.