Originally posted on 04/06/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson View Post
What would be even more ironic would be if I posted clips of Stossel shilling for agribusiness as a rebuttal to Dwight posting a Hartmann clip.
This is the difference between conservatives like Dwight and liberals like you Turd. When someone on the left makes valid arguments, those on the right very often will agree. However, the reverse is NOT true with liberals as they rarely if ever agree with anything that a conservative might say solely because of the (R) following the individuals's name. When Bush was spending bucketloads of money and raising our country's debt more than any president before him, tea party conservatives joined liberals in their criticisms of President Bush. Now Obama is spending at a rate of 3X Bush and the tea party conservatives are screaming louder than ever. HOWEVER, all of those liberals that were blasting Bush are completely silent about Obama's massive overspending.