Originally posted on 04/01/2013:

Im sure this will probably get me back on the shit list but I actually feel it deserves being said. I only even looked in here because it keeps getting bumped to top.

As this loan approaches the one year mark you appear to be heading back to the old WUlf. Over the past week you have come into close to, and maybe even over, 3,000 points (enough to pay this loan off) and instead you chose to sportsbook/dump every one of them. Now im sure you took some bad beats or whatnot but that is not the point. WHy not take, half, or at least a decent chunk and send them to suman? Guy has waited almost a year, worked with you on interst(i think he even froze it). Wouldn't the right thing to do be paying him off a chunk of some of these points you come into?

This system of point lending works solely based on people generally doing the right thing. Pulling the absolute I must gamble before paying any points back is a very carseller move and I believe your better than that. Plus, its not good for anyone, results in the now charging 1% per week, and generally is just poor form.

If You, Picker and the rest of team panhandler would realize paying some chunks before gambling was not a horrible idea you guys would easily knock out these debts and maybe be able to actually accrue some points if/when you did get hot and not have to be staked in anything that could make you some points.

Good luck