Originally posted on 03/14/2013:

I didn't watch any of the clips as listening to sound of Sean Hannity's voice makes me want to bash my head against a wall, but, this idea of the power that be trying to "depopulate" the earth is very real. It's just not really talked about all that openly beyond elite academic circles. And for good reason. The guys interested in seeing this happen understand the potential negative fallout. And this is why Ted Turner doesn't get invited to as many parties as he used to. He doesn't quite understand the concept of "discretion."

The ground zero genesis of this movement arose out of the environmentalist wing of academia. This idea has been around at least as far back as the early 1970's. Plenty of research papers have been written about it in that time, it's just no one really gave a shit because the guys writing the papers were smart enough to stop short of saying, "Hey, Mr. President, we need to find a way to reduce the population."

For the longest time these comments were taken in the way you might entertain thoughts about the moon landing being faked or FDR having had prior warning the Japs were going to bomb Pearl Harbor. At the very least it sounds interesting, if not plausible, but it's not the type of thing your colleagues are going to take too seriously.

And up until quite recently the tenor of these comments were taken as such by just about everybody in academia.

BUT, again, this is because the environmentalists didn't really start gaining any serious power till the last 15-20 years. The higher up the food chain the environmentalists have climbed in the Democratic Party, the more this idea has gained support. And ever since Al Gore was anointed a prophet and Obama trounced McCain their eyes have grown as wide as saucers.

They very much want to see the population reduced. It's just not the sort of thing you talk about with "outsiders." But, when you're sitting around at a table of guys with Phds, and you make some offhanded argument suggesting the planet would be better off with a total population of 100,000, no one looks at you like you're crazy. People only start looking at you crazy when you take the leap from that hypothetical to seriously suggesting we start brainstorming ways to reduce the population as soon as possible. That's when eyebrows get raised. And that's basically where we are. Ted Turner makes some offhanded comments about the ideal population size of the human race, and he's just seen as some eccentric old man with an interesting take on our species' impact to the planet. He starts seriously talking about ways to deliberately reduce the human population, and now he's a Bond villain.

Like most policies designed to fukk innocent human beings, they will come up with something clever and devious and sell it to the public like a box of chocolates, and the weak-minded fools who trust the nanny state will bite on it hard hook, line, and sinker.

OTSS bitches.