Originally posted on 02/05/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by secretstash View Post
Im gonna go on a small limb and say that I believe k13 is beat up as a fan (I surely am) but no way will he not pay this debt imo. He made a bet.. he should have came by now no doubt.. but I believe fully he WILL pay. He has always paid large loans and other pts bets in the past so nothing to me says he wont this time.

I do believe he is a few k short to pay everyone in full though I believe and that might be the one issue he is having.. If he needs a loan to pay the rest I am quite sure he can get it as his credit rating is very solid from previous loans.

Wasn't implying that he was going to stiff. I should of made that clear in my post which was made in haste. I firmly believe he'll pay every penny or else I wouldn't have posted up with him. I was merely trying to point out that he didn't come make any mention of it despite being on. Sunday obviously was too soon, all of Monday and then into Tuesday is a little different.

Moot point since he recently posted but just wanted to clarify that I wasn't implying he was stiffing anyone.