Originally posted on 01/23/2013:

Quote Originally Posted by Urbanwildlife View Post
A member called CasinoBones who followed my college football plays recommended that I check out your thread the other day, so today I followed your plays and lo and behold it was not a successful day for you, or for myself, since I did follow you, but do not let these fools like NittanyLionsFan get to you, as these types are only here to antagonize out of jealousy.

I also had my share of antagonists on the college football board despite my success, but I have found it is best to just ignore there comments, or you end up falling right into exactly what they are trying to accomplish, which we all know is letting the antagonist get into our heads, and try to upset us with there stupid ass antagonistic comments. Do not give them that satisfaction, just continue to stay positive, and kill'em with your success!

Wishing you nothing but the very best, and I am positive you will be making many more strolls to the pay window in the future days, and I am very much looking forward to meeting you there!

Ditto!!! agree 100%, I honestly didn't like the two plays Master P10 had tonight,but hey I chose to go ahead and play them anyway just as I have in the past when I didn't like em.But I have learned in the past no matter how much I don't agree or like his plays if you just trust him and play them all you will be rewarded.Hey you can't win them all.BTW Urban sorry you lost on the first day of tailing Master P10,but don't sweat it man,if you stay with him you'll win a lot! and if by chance he starts to have two or three days in a row of losing,WHICH I have NEVER SEEN btw,maybe then get off and just track him without betting cause I doubt seriously he will have many bad days! Good Luck Urban!