Originally posted on 12/14/2012:

al qaida: if you sucrifice yourself for islam you will be rewarder with 70 virgins in heaven
sheep straps a bomb on and runs into a building full of people

priest/rabbi/clergy: if you are rich you will go to hell
sheep give all their money to the chrch

gun lobby: more guns is the solution to gun violence
sheep go out and buy more guns

you are just as dumb as the religious fanatics, your opinion and actions are controlled by people with economic interest that are smarter than you

no there would not still be gun violence if guns are banned in the US, guns are not like drugs, they do not grow on the ground or in pot and cannot be cooked in a lab

to make guns needs technology and knowhow most people dont possess, and you cant hide a gun producing operation in a shack or in a trailer, you need a godamn factory. and unlike drugs, guns are not addictive, meaning that if they are illegal most people will not risk buying one, meaning there will be such a small underground market for them that it would not be profitable for anyone to go into the business

and also most of these shootings, that seem to happen every other day in america, are acts of impulse, and the reason they happen is that in that moment of temporary rage the person has a gun lying around and they end up shooting someone

this guy was up to today a law abiding citizen, meaning he would not have a gun lying around if it was illegal to do so, meaning that even if he decided to shoot someone, by the time he managed to figure out how to get a gun he would have come to his senses

to all the people defending gun laws: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA