Originally posted on 11/13/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by CarpeDime View Post
wow, Kyl/Goodlatte/Bill Frist another HUGE huge huge win

they did the right thing, they knew what is right for the US

US residents should not be allowed to play at Pinny, nor even be able to see Pinny's lines

they did the right thing
WTF are you going on about?

America is supposed to be a 'free' country, it isnt even close. Americans should be allowed to do whatever they want with the money they make. Including pissing it away at a sportsbook or online casino in a foreign country or in the virtual world.

When they started shutting down our access to these places it really showed who ran this county and it wasnt the people, it was the banks who have scammed and stolen their way to owning this country, they should have let very penetrating one of them fail a few years ago, but they didnt and their right back doing the same shit they did before.

Its not the government that says its bad its the banks that wont process the money or accept the checks. I'd like to see very one of the pieces of shit collapse, but the government just wont let it happen, banks are the sole reason why this country is as screwed up as is it right now. Had they not been deregulated this shit we have now never would have happened.

Ancient history now and way too late to fix it beyond letting them fail and starting all over, but it also isnt just an American issue, every country but China (who runs their bank) is frigging bankrupt because of the shit banks pull.