Originally posted on 11/06/2012:

All of us Obama Backers grats on cashing at whatever book you bet President Obama on.

SBR Poster NosniboR11

lines are crazy in ohio

this race is going to Romney

Romney wins!!!!!!!!!!
romney 308

barack 230
going to be a lot of upset obama idiots come nov 7

Jump you fukk
I may not need the prize if I win since i will kill myself if Obama wins most likely.

Clueless Sbr Poster No GNU Taxes

Bet big on Rmoney while you still have great odds.

SBR Poster Dwight Shrute

Romney in a landslide

he wins ohio, florida, nevada, wisconsin

91 Days Until Obama is Out of Office


What a bitchslap Romney just put on Barry with Israel.

Barry getting knocked the fukk out!!

Romney will win.Obama

Sam Odom

Obama will not get a bump after tonight either. Mittens was presidential


Romney is already ahead in most polls,president romney

Let's Go Rangers

Romney is a runaway freight train right now


blah blah he said Romney would win wait a second....dumb ass

12:33am Romney with the championships

SBR Lou and SBR John

How anyone with an IQ above 30 thought Romney had a shot is beyond me.