Originally posted on 10/15/2012:

There's only point worth logging back in to comment on but I might as well as make it well with more word:

I'm not at all convinced of guilt. I've read every word posted on this case many times, I've made phone calls and heavily investigated both Cory and his Mom to the best of my ability. At one point Cory did contact me with a question and this short conversation ended with at this time I can't discuss this in private with him. Had I started doing so I would have to disclose this. I wished to maintain the position of an outsider looking at the evidence anyone can uncover.

There is nothing I know about this dispute that can't be found making a few phone calls, looking in phone book, doing some Google searching, querying some records and reading all that's been written. Nothing that has been shared so far justifies not paying the win. I could go on and on here but if you want to get picky over wording he also at one point says the wrong books name when referring to Heritage and corrects it when asked. It would be ridiculous to claim that this slip ads credibility to the claim it was his Mom, but sure I could say that unfairly if that was my train of thought.

He's heated and has had to deal with other books robbing him and believes there was collusion. This is what he suspects and there's an indication Justin was delivered hands from his play at EZStreet by Heritage. True or not I don't know but this indication appears to exist.

Cory says he was banned by Heritage over the situation with EZStreet. Player feels colluded against has been robbed etc. So at some point he says I instead of she in a heated and frustrating debate when he feels he's dealing with a team that robbed him and his mom. Said something like this and it is taken as admission of his guilt? Heritage is insistent about his guilt already. Call logs probably show this, but their own words posted on forums show it as well. They are so convinced of guilt they are not interested in acting fair IMO (more on that in a minute).

The issues about rules etc, Icovered already elsewhere. I would say rules should be there to protect both the player and the book equally as is the case with example Pinnacle and Bookmaker. The issues about posters I've covered. The issue about dishonest spin I've covered. I wrote so much about them; find that in other posts.

I have not talked to Cory nor his Mom other than what I mentioned and I don't know him or her. I had no dealings with Heritage either or much opinion about them All this was just me, someone looking at all I could uncover and thinking wow this doesn't add up. I have a lot respect for Justin7 and really some of his posts before he stopped responding didn't add up too. I sent him a long email a while into this and after some responses figured okay fair enough. But this was a "default ruling" that's all.

There is evidence released that the player was already highly sceptical of the mediation. They "dropped out" of the process... that's all that happened. It was spun as arbitrator of own choice. Heritage so nice to agree etc. Weeks after reading this stuff I'm out at Sizzlers with my family and I'm just freaking consumed with the details. Posts are running through my head about the way this was all handled... is there something I'm missing here etc.

The only reason for interest in this case is how freaked up it's been handled. You can spin anyway you want and say how great of a company they have been... BUT... they are insistent on "their way!" I suggested this and called him out on it weeks ago. Get with the player and come to a common ground on an arbitration process BOTH sides can agree are FAIR..

I don't even care about the results at that point. That's it. Their only offer is to subject the player to more mediation/arbitration the player does not agree is fair why spinning it how more than fair they've been. Why? I don't know perhaps 1) they've been looking to mug him/her this entire time or 2) They are just so sure of his guilt but can't prove that they can't risk going to "fair" resolution process. The second is more likely than the first but I don't know I'm sure there are other possible reasons as well.

In getting consumed with this case I read more and more about Heritage. I had direct debate with them. I didn't have it out for them. I learned to strongly strongly dislike them - but this was also on more uncovered and other interactions and never have been saying they should pay up. They should offer the player who lost $20,000 to $30,000 in their casino they wouldn't of got back had they not won back these losses a means of arbitration that they and the player come to terms on in agreeing it is FAIR - instead of going on about non disclosed charities, already had arbitrator of own choice, we're more than fair look at me we're great spins etc. Other than this they should also fix their rules (Correlated betting rule could strongly use some rewording clarification). not sure what more there is to discuss.

I can't speak for others but I joined SBRForum.com because I'm passionate about fair gambling and loved what this site has done over the years. Recently though I've been given infractions twice, lifetime banned once, put on slow server, 6000 second post timer, been accused of playing games, been on post moderation and more. Forgive me for losing my interested in discussing this further here. The only reason logging back in is to say I hope Heritage if they are the honest company they claim to be can take a step back, look at this and consider giving this player a fair means for resolution that both sides mutually agree is fair and binding.