Originally <a href='/showthread.php?p=15840644'>posted</a> on 08/30/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
wrong as usual. I am a fiscal conservative only. I believe in less government and a government living within its means. Basically the complete opposite of the Obama administration. Spin it however you wish.
Then why are you on the Republican Party's nutsack all the time, you do realize that they are the complete opposite as what you claim to be as well right? Or have you not actually bothered to read the Ryan budget, or anything out of Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, or anyone on the right's mouth who isn't named Ron or Rand Paul.

Everything about Obama that you hate is equally exemplified in the party of the neocons and religious right. But judging from your posts you're anything but what you claim to be.