Originally posted on 08/28/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by SBR_John View Post
Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
This is an important election and I only hope that people realize that it takes more than 4 years to correct the failed conservative policies that brought us to the brink in 2009.
Reagan didn't need 4 years to correct a much worse problem.

Obama and the dems just can't admit their "stimulus" attempt failed. Blaming Bush 4 years later when they have absolutely no plan is just sad. Basically their plan is to blame Bush and when that wears off blame the republicans who by the way were elected by the people to stop all this runaway tax and spend policies.

Reagan didn't walk into the size of mess Obama did and the dems worked with him to help solve the problems. Solving the problems included raising taxes. The current GOP in congress have acted like a bunch of little babies, their answer to everything that might help is "nope."

And Obama and Mitt both have plans. With Romney you just don't get to see the plan until you elect him.