Originally posted on 08/01/2012:

Quote Originally Posted by opie1988 View Post
Here's the deal, pal....the gays are only gay as a choice. Its simply something to gain them attention. Usually its some kid who never really fit in, and when he comes across a group of gays, they welcome him. All he has to do is declare himself a gay, and he's got instant friends.

You know, pal, the gays have a very strong recruitment policy. I'm not privy to what you get for each referral....but I imagine they make it a pretty sweet deal. I'm sure the gifts are nice. Most of them have fabulous taste.
This entire post is 100% accurate. NOBODY IS BORN GAY and being homosexual is a personal choice that some people decide to make for the very reason Opie mentioned.

To all those politically correct fanatics that continue to make the ABSURD claim that people are born gay, PROVE IT with any sort of reasonable medical evidence and then I'll support gay marriage.